Dr. Kristin Laurin, PhD
Director: MAGIC Lab, Professor: Department of Psychology klaurin@psych.ubc.ca
Holly Engstrom
PhD Candidate h.engstrom@psych.ubc.ca
Gordon Heltzel
PhD Candidate gheltzel@psych.ubc.ca
Will Jettinghoff
PhD Candidate will.jettinghoff@psych.ubc.ca
Nick Kay
PhD Candidate nkay01@mail.ubc.ca
Irein Thomas
PhD Candidate irein.thomas@ubc.ca
Dana Hunter
Lab Manager mecclabs@psych.ubc.ca
Khai Qing
Research Interests Khai Qing is interested in how our social groups affect the way we see ourselves and others. In particular, she studies intergroup relations and social inequalities.